What´s going on?

New Site Online


Now we can relax for a while, because after a lot of hard work, our new fully responsive design website is finally online.

It is compatible with the latest versions of modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, FireFox, Opera and IE7+.

You can experience an optimized version of each page on tablet and mobile devices. Thank you to the Automatic Image Resizing feature.

We also included a filterable portfolio to allow you to appreciate what we do by discipline.

Please Go ahead – snoop around.

Home & Garden Magazine


We recently got the cover and a spread on the Home and Garden Magazine from the Riverdale Press. We thank you Richard Stein from the Riverdale Press for this insightful article. Roberto Araujo from Roberto Araujo Photography, for the magnificent pictures of the finalized apartment and Victoria Medina from Victoria Medina Photography, for Ricardo’s charming Portrait.

Please find below the magazine cover and article. Hope you enjoy!!!




Now is the Time


There is always a chance,
a moment in time,
when one has to say
enough, this is it.

I’m thankful that I now Know
This is the time to say:
enough, this is it.

I know it is never too late
to listen to out hearts desire.
I know that I will do the best possible job
That is my desire.

Furthermore, I know
It is a long road,
but now it is the time.

The time has come, and I must start
My walk down that road

The road of Interior Design,
which is what I love.
Not letting it pass,
in this moment in time.